Idaho Political Field Guide


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Idaho Political Field Guide. By Randy Stapilus and Marty Trillhaase. 300 pages. Softcover. ISBN 978-0-945648-01-7 List price $15.95.

The reference book for Idaho politics from the statewide level down toward the precinct, with stops at the counties and legislative districts – who won, who lost, and why, and much more.

Sample chapter

From the Introduction

The first edition of the Idaho Political Almanac, from Ridenbaugh Press, came out in 1990 – now 22 years ago. It was intended then as an update and expansion on the Idaho history Paradox Politics, which had come out two years before. Almanacs continued for a while, every two years through 1996. In 1998 we tried a different approach, the Idaho Yearbook/Directory, intended to be an annual publication covering of the same material and more besides. We continued it through 1991, but it began to be a lot of work. After a couple subsidiary projects in early 2002, on influential Idaho people and organizations, we called a halt.

Two years ago we returned with the Idaho Political Field Guide, for a few reasons. One is that with the passage of a decade, the time seems right for a look back and a prospective look ahead. Another is technology: The availability of printing on demand, as opposed to printing in large quantities at once, makes it possible to keep these books precisely up to date without accumulating boxes of outdated editions.

In this edition I’ve gotten excellent help from Marty Trillhaase, the editorial page editor of the Lewiston Tribune and a journalist who has been observing and writing about Idaho politics for close to 40 years. His knowledge and understanding of the state and its politics are woven throughout the pages ahead.